DisciplesNet Worship # 62, Hope for the Holidays, Phelps, 12-25-2011
Welcome to a special Christmas worship, created with a sense of people who are experiencing loss and sadness during the Christmas season. Our message is one of hope, as well as permission to sing the Lord's song even when not feeling so jolly.
DisciplesNet is an online church that posts worship each week for persons who can't get to a physical church, or just like connecting with this global ministry in this unique way of connecting, and crossing barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love.
Notes for today's worship:
Worship Notes:
Message: Deb Phelps
Meditation: Audrey Borschel
Communion: Bob Shaws
Communion prayer: Susan McNeely
Scripture: Andrew Moore, Janet Spaulding, Bob Shaw Isaiah 9:1-7, Isaiah 60:1-3, 19-20, Matthew 2: Psalm 137, Luke 2:1-20, NRSV and KJV
"Sweet Little Jesus Boy" (Twana A. Harris and Dean Phelps)
Silent Night (congregational singing)
Thank you to Pam Barksdale for her contemplative versions of "Away in the Manger," "Wind Through the Olive Trees," "O Come Little Children," "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly"
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PO Box 17935
Indianapolis, 46217