Table Meditation (Gospel) for Proper B27 – 10-Nov-24
10-Nov-24 (Mark 12:28-34)
One of the ways we can show our love for God is in coming to this table to remember all God gave to us in Jesus, especially the way God showed us how much God loves each and all of us.
One of the ways we can show our love for others is by remembering that everyone is welcome at this table. God has called us all and any who wish to come can do so.
As we come to the table, let us remember the God who showed us what love is in the person of Jesus Christ and commit ourselves again to bringing that love into the world to all those around us.
Let us pray.
God, we thank you Jesus, who came to show us your love and your way. We thank you for these symbols of bread and cup that help us to recognize the depth of that love, that nothing will stand between us and your love.
As we take these symbols into ourselves, rekindle the fire of your Spirit within us that we could be your hands and feet and voice in this world, bringing hope and healing and knowledge of your love.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Christ, Amen.