Offering Meditation and Prayer for Advent 2b – 10-December-23
10-Dec-23 (Mark 1:1-8)
When John the Baptizer began his ministry, he didn't need much, a camel's hair coat, some locusts, and some wild honey did it for him. When Jesus added his disciples to his ministry, along with it came the need to support their work. Jesus and the disciples provided the time and capabilities and some others, who remained in the background, supported that ministry financially. When 70 and some disciples suddenly became 3000 on Pentecost, the need to support the ministries of the Church became much larger. We can be thankful for the folks that stepped up, from the first century until today to support the ministries of the Church with time, abilities, and finances.
You can be a part of that too. Consider what you can give to share the Good News of God's love for all people, to help those in need, and to keep the lights on in our building. It might surprise you when you see how much you have to offer.
Let's consider that as we take up our offering for today.
God, who has been so generous with us, who has given this community of faith into our hands, trusting that we will offer our best in your work through it. we pray for these gifts that we have received. Multiply them and put them to work. Empower us as well, that we will give of ourselves in your ministries.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN