Offering Meditation for Advent 4b 24-December-23
24-Dec-23 (Luke 1:26-38)
In the gospel reading for today, Mary is an active participant if what God had in mind. She knows she has a choice, and she chooses to birth and raise the child who would be called the son of God.
We have a choice too: We can choose whether and how much we participate in God's work on this Earth. We can choose to support it with our abilities, our time, and our financial resources. The Church needs all of those things to share the Good News of God's love with all people, to help those in need, and to help us to learn to be more like Jesus.
Consider how much you are willing to give to participate in God's work as we take up our offering for today.
Please join me now in prayer,
God, who graciously shared your love with us, we pray that you would take these gifts that we have returned to you, to use them in the work of the Church. We pray for these gifts and for ourselves, that together we and they can bring your presence and your love into the world.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Christ. AMEN.