Children’s Moment for Proper B4 – 2-Jun-24
2-Jun-24 (Mark 2:23-3:6)
How important are rules? How important is it to follow them? [wait for answers]
Rules are important. They help us to live together without annoying each other all the time. They keep us safe. Sometimes they even remind us of what's important.
But, sometimes how we follow a rule can be a problem. Jesus was in the Synagogue, on the Sabbath, and there was a man who had an arm that didn't work well. Jesus healed the arm right there in the Synagogue. This bothered the Pharisees because one of the rules said that you shouldn't work on the Sabbath it was a time to come together with others to remember God.
Jesus explained that part of remembering God was sharing God's love with other people. He wanted them to realize that doing good was a way of remembering God as well.
Let's pray about that.
God, help us to realize the ways that rules help us to live together and help us also to realize when the way we choose to follow a rule isn't helpful. Help us to be like Jesus, who shared your love with the world in the things he did as well as what he said.
We pray in the name of Jesus, AMEN.