Offering Meditation for Proper B17 – 01-Sep-24
01-Sep-24 (Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23)
I think one thing that Jesus was trying to teach the Pharisees in our scripture for today is that what comes out of our heart goes into the world, so it not only affects us, but affects those around us. We have the opportunity to engage the world in things that bring life and healing and hope by bringing those things out of our hearts. Of course, that means they have to be there in the first place, but it also means they can't simply stay there.
The love of God is meant to be shared. It's meant to be given away. And we can do that in so many ways. We can teach others what Jesus has taught us. We can help them by being present with them when things aren't right. We can meet their physical needs for food, shelter, and safety. We can give of our abilities and our time to make that happen.
We can also give of our financial resources, and here comes an opportunity to do that right now as we take up our offering for today.
Please join me now in prayer.
God, we thank you for Jesus, who lived a life of giving and who showed us how to do that. We thank you for all the ways you've blessed us. Help us to be a blessing to the world around us by bringing good things out of our heart and into the world in words and in actions.
Bless these gifts that we're returning to your hands, that they would be used in that work as well.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN.