Offering Meditation for Transfiguration C – 2-Mar-25
2-Mar-25 (Luke 9:28-43)
The story about the transfiguration is primarily one about the disciples coming to the realization of who Jesus is. They discover both that he is the One sent by God and also that the One sent by God isn't going to behave exactly as they expected.
One of the parts of the work of the Church is to help people see who Jesus is and specifically recognize who Jesus is apart from the odd ideas that culture and society have placed on him.
We do that by focusing on the primary things Jesus called us to do: Care for the sick and suffering. Help to free those who are captive, either physically or from something hard for them to control. Bring attention to those who are forgotten. All the time, bringing the message of God's love freely given to all people.
There are many ways we can do that with our time and talents, but we can also enable others to do that through our financial resources. That's what our time of offering is about.
Let's consider our place in that as we take up our offering for today.
Please join me in an attitude of prayer.
God, who has richly blessed us, help us to be a blessing to others, here in this congregation, in our city, and in our world. Show us how our time and talents can be spent in that way and give us generous hearts to give so that others can carry your messages and works of love all over our world.
Bless these offerings as well, that they be put to good use in doing your work in the world.
We pray in the name of your son. Amen.