Offering Meditation for Lent 1C – 9-Mar-25
9-Mar-25 (Luke 4:1-13)
One way to look at the temptations that Jesus faced is to recognize that they are real concerns that might cause anyone to think they had to secure their lives instead of relying on God to provide real security.
People are hungry, some are hungry most of the time. People long to be recognized and valued and to have the power to make their way in the world. Some are consistently on the outside of our society, forgotten and even ostracized. People long for safety and security. Some are in war-torn areas where safety and security are almost unknown.
Part of the work of the Church is to help people who are hungry, suffering, outcast, and forgotten, and to bring peace and justice where they are scarce.
Sometimes we can be a part of that with our own talents and by giving our own time. Other times, we can give of our financial resources to allow others to use their talents and time representing us.
Our offerings help provide for this work of the Church.
As we take up our offerings for today, consider how you can be a part of this.
Please join me in an attitude of prayer.
God who helps us in so many ways, we pray for ourselves, that we can be a part of your realm coming into being in our world. Help us to give of ourselves and our resources to do your work here in our congregation, our city, and our world.
Bless these gifts as well and multiply them, so that your work will continue in all those places as well.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.