A Psalm for Gratitude for Animal Companions
This is a paraphrase of the 23rd Psalm in praise to God for showing us love through our animal companions. It was written by Peggy McMahon and appears in her book, "Father, Hear My Psalms".
This is a paraphrase of the 23rd Psalm in praise to God for showing us love through our animal companions. It was written by Peggy McMahon and appears in her book, "Father, Hear My Psalms".
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
Dr. Richard Ward of Phillips Theological Seminary gives us a dramatic reading of Mark 2:1-12, the story of a man who was paralyzed and who was healed by Jesus.
(c) 2015 Dr. Richard Ward, Phillips Theological Seminary, DisciplesNet
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
So what all does one have to do, to come to Christ? People and books will tell you many things that you have to believe and do, tests you have to pass. Yet in today’s message, guest preacher Dean Phelps invites us to look at something at the heart of the matter, looking at Matthew 16:13-16. What do you think? How might this look in your life?
Our worship is 26 minutes long, with singing, prayer, scripture, all designed for you to join in as suits you. We hope that you'll be blessed by worshiping with DisciplesNet, finding ways your own faith in God can grow in theses trying times.
As we do every week, our time together includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread) where you may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." Continue reading →
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
Dr. Richard Ward of Phillips Theological Seminary gives us a dramatic reading of Mark 10:46-51, the story of Bartimaeus, healed of blindness by Jesus. Continue reading →
To watch this special on YouTube, click here.
DisciplesNet Easter Vigil - a series of 14 short segments which tell of the events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus from the gospels. The 15th video is for Easter morning.
All in this video file:
01.Jesus on the Mount of Olives - Luke 22:39-46
02.Jesus betrayed by Judas - Luke 22:47-48
03.Jesus condemned by the Sanhedrin - Luke 22:66-71
04.Peter denies Jesus - Luke 22:54-62
05.Jesus judged by Pilate - Luke 23:13-25
06.Jesus scourged and crowned with thorns - Luke 22:63-65 & John 19:2-3
07.Jesus takes up the cross - Mark 15:20
08.Simon of Cyrene helps carry the cross - Luke 23:26
09.Jesus and the women of Jerusalem - Luke 23:27-31
10.Jesus is crucified - Luke 23:33-37
11.Jesus promises the kingdom to the thief - Luke 23:39-43
12.Jesus cares for Mary - John 19:25-27
13.Jesus dies - Luke 23:44-46
14.Jesus put in the tomb - Luke 23:50-54
15.the Empty Tomb - Mark 16:1-8
Scripture Readings are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).
Used by permission. All Rights Reserved
copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Click here to watch this prayer on YouTube
World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical movement of Christian women joined together to observe a common day of prayer each year on the first Friday of March. (March 6th, 2015 for this year.) For our contribution to this world-wide observance, DisciplesNet offers this video prayer, using a prayer written by the women of the Bahamas.
For more about the World Day of prayer, visit their website at www.worlddayofprayer.net
(This video includes Micah 6:8, sung by Phoebe Speers, used with permission.)
Click here to watch this worship service on YouTube
Join us for a time of reflection and prayer as we enter the season of Lent with a short Ash Wednesday Service.
Call to Worship: Deb Phelps
Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Bob Shaw
Scripture: Isaiah 58:6-12 (NRSV) read by Janet Spaulding
Song: Cleanse Me, Heal Me written by Audrey Borschel, performed by the DisciplesNet Chorale
Prayer of Confession / Words of Assurance: Amy Grogan, Russ Smith, Deb Phelps
Communion: Russ Smith
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
Just how is the Gospel of Mark like a James Bond thriller? Join us for our time of worship this week, 27 minutes, and find out! Our message today comes through Amy Grogan, speaking from Mark 1: using the text of the disciples by the sea in Mark 1:14-20.
We hope that you will join us in this time of prayer, scripture, singing, preaching. And as we do every week, we will share communion together at the end of worship (breaking of the bread). We pass along the invitation to join in or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me."
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Now that we've celebrated Christ's coming, what's next? In this worship service Rev Anita Cobb reminds us that God has made us "joint heirs" with Jesus; that we are graciously welcomed into God's family.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #228, “Joint Heirs” Christmas1 (Cobb, 12.28.2014)”
To watch this worship service in YouTube, click here.
How do we find hope in a world where hope is scarce? Amy Grogan takes us through the whole story of Advent, finding hope in times when darkness is most visible.
We hope that you will join us for this worship and that it will bring great meaning to you as you continue to live in expectation of the coming realm of God.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #222 “Hope in Hopelessness” (Grogan 11.30.2014)”