1 Corinthians 12:12
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This is a reading of First Corinthians 12:12 using "kinetic typography." The concept and movement are the work of one of our student interns. The background music is done by Dean Phelps.
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This is a reading of First Corinthians 12:12 using "kinetic typography." The concept and movement are the work of one of our student interns. The background music is done by Dean Phelps.
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
Join us for the scripture from the Gospel of John, chapter 13 verses 31 through 35. We encourage you to follow along and even apply to memory this verse, especially the words of Jesus in verses 34 and 35.
The soundtrack for this video comes from the accompanying worship from DisicplesNet Church worship #138, "I See the Mornin' Breaking," a traditional folk hymn from the mountains of Appalachia, North America, and played on guitar by Dean Phelps, deanphelpsmusic.com.
Rev. Russ Smith reads the scripture from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
Click here to watch this worship service on YouTube
Join the DisciplesNet staff for a Tenebrae Good Friday Service. A Tenebrae service involves a series of readings where, at each significant point, a candle is extinguished, culminating in the very appropriate full darkness at the death of Christ.
Click here to watch this worship service on YouTube
Join DisciplesNet for a special Maundy Thursday Communion Service as we follow Jesus in the events surrounding his Last Supper with his disciples coming from the Gospel of Matthew.
To watch this sermon on YouTube, click here.
Today's Palm-Passion Sunday starts with the scripture and hymn celebrating Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Our message is a special "Readers Theater" message, read by the DisciplesNet staff accompanied by pictures from fine art to tell the story, four days later, of the final days of Jesus' earthly life.
Join us, for Jesus' journey to the cross.
As we do every week, our time together includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread) where you may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me."
If you would like to share with us at the table that defies all boundaries of time, place, and structure, then we ask that you prepare a wafer, cracker, or bread and a drink. As we pray, we are praying that our blessing extends to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship) Continue reading →
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Rosa Page Welch, whose lifesong to God's compassion and love for all people sings "When I Needed a Neighbor (Were You There?)"
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
One body, our Christ, was given to free us from sin and to make us into one body in Christ.
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
For your daily devotions and worship.
We are called by Christ to be healers, in our families, neighborhoods, churches, and world or, as this hymn puts it, instruments of God's peace. Continue reading →
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
For your daily devotions and worship.
When we gather at the Table, we realize that we are one with Christians in every time and every place. As the song says "Through the loving Son, the Father makes us one."
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Ash Wednesday begins the time of Lent in the Christian Calendar. It is a time of reflecting on our human sin and our need for God's forgiveness. Join us for a short service of worship, including a prayer of confession, communion, and words of forgiveness.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #125, Ash Wednesday 2013”