Psalm 8 – A Meditation
This is a meditation on Psalm 8 in words, music, and pictures.
Enjoyed this Worship #94 very much. Appreciated the navigation tools, the photography, the music, and the message. First time at Disciplesnet. I'm so proud of the work you have accomplished.
I wanted to say that my church (The View Christian Church in Portland Oregon) watched Worship #96 and we loved the message and the pastor Rev. Callie Smith. Thank you.
given by Senior Minister Deb Phelps
given by Senior Minister Deb Phelps
This is a meditation on Psalm 8 in words, music, and pictures.
In session 4 of this continuing series, Rev. Russ Smith talks about what we can understand by thinking of God as our parent. God the parent protects, provides, loves, and teaches.
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.… Read the rest “Practicing the Presence of God”
The Passion of Christ, for Holy Week
We hope you will join us for this Holy Week worship time, about 25 minute long, that combines inspirational music, the story of the Passion of Christ that comes from the Gospel of Mark 14:1-15:47 read interactively. with artwork from around the world showing Jesus in his final week. Continue reading →
Rev. Russ Smith considers the Good Friday focus on the cross and suggests where we can tune our attention to best understand what God has done for us.
Our message in worship #68, "Heirs of Compassion," comes from Rev. Dr. Audrey Borschel, preaching on the texts 2 Kings 5:1-14, and Mark 1:40-45 --containing two stories of persons with leprosy who wished more than anything to be clean and back in community, Psalm 30, a response to God's compassion.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship # 69, “Heirs of Compassion,” (Borschel, 02 12 12)”