Christ Arose! – an Easter Hymn
To watch this hymn on YouTube, click here.
Hymn #224 in the Chalice Hymnal
WORDS & MUSIC: Robert Lowry, 1874
To watch this hymn on YouTube, click here.
Hymn #224 in the Chalice Hymnal
WORDS & MUSIC: Robert Lowry, 1874
To watch this hymn on YouTube, click here.
Hymn #192 in the Chalice Hymnal
WORDS: Theodulph of Orleans c. 821 Jon Mason Neale 1854 alt.
MUSIC: Melchior Teschner 1615; harm. William Henry Monk, 1861; desc. O.J. Criket Harrison, 1994
To watch this hymn on YouTube, click here.
A three-part round of an old Latin hymn
(dona nobis pacem means "grant us peace")
sung by Cheryl Felch, Kate Smith, and Janette Smith
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Of all the things Jesus did, bringing life to one who was four days dead, Lazarus, was among the greatest. How do we live as ones who know this kind of life from death is possible, especially in the times when death haunts even our waking thoughts. Rev. Sharon Watkins, brings us the word, based in John 11:1-45 to help us realize how we can live as ones unbound and how we can share this gift of life with others.
Join us for 32 minutes of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Welcome
--- Opening background music: "All the Way My Savior Leads Me" - Bev Heid
2. "Gather Us In" - DisciplesNet singers
3. Elder's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Elder Susan
4. "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah"
--- Ilumbe Ndjongo, Oscar Pemkombe, and Dean Phelps
5. John 11:1-45 - read and summarized by Amy Grogan
6. Message: "Living Unbound" Rev. Sharon Watkins
--- Pastor, Bethany Memorial Church, Bethany WV
7. "Father On" - Dean Phelps
8. Communion: Pastor Deb
9. "We Have Been Redeemed" - Audrey Borschel
10. Sending Out: Rev. Sharon Watkins
--- Credits
--- background music: - "All the Way My Savior Leads Me" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To listen to this hymn on YouTube, click here.
Hymn #075 Chalice Hymnal - Sung by DisciplesNet singers
WORDS and MUSIC: John Ylvisaker 1985
Used with permission and with Worship Cast Licence 6066
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
In troubling times, it's hard to live in hope, yet we know our God is always close, especially in those times. Pastor Deb uses scriptures from Psalm 23 and Psalm 137 to remind us that God is with us, even when events prompt us to doubt.
Join us for 30 minutes of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Introduction to worship - Pastor Deb Phelps
--- Opening background music: "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" - Bev Heid
2. "Sanctuary" - Phoebe Spier and Dean Phelps
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Pastor Russ
4. "It is Well with My Soul" - Twana Harris and Dean Phelps
5. Psalm 23 - read by Bob Shaw
6. "Amazing Grace" - Ilumbe Njongo, Oscar Penkombe, Dean Phelps
7. Psalm 137 - read by Bob Shaw
8. Message: "Better Things" Pastor Deb
9. "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" - Audrey Borschel
10. Communion: Elder Susan
11. "Here at Thy Table, Lord" - DisciplesNet singers
12. Sending Out: Pastor Deb
--- Credits
--- background music: - "I've Got Peace Like a River" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
We are called to live our lives out in this world as children of God, seeking to do God's will here and now. We are also called to receive each and all persons in this world as brothers and sisters. How do we live as faithful people and as people who are welcoming to all others? Pastor Deb uses the story of Jesus meeting with a Samaritan women at a well in Sychar to show us how to be both.
Join us for 33 minutes of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "I've Got Peace Like a River" - Bev Heid
2. "Down to the River" - Dean Phelps and Twana Harris
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Pastor Bob
4. John 4:5-42 read by Bob Shaw, Anita Cobb, Amy Grogan, and Russ Smith
5. Message: "Where Waters Meet" Pastor Deb
6. "They'll Know We Are Christians" - Phoebe Spier and Dean Phelps
7. Communion: Pastor Amy
8. "One Bread, One Body" - DisciplesNet singers
9. Sending Out: Pastor Deb
10. Credits
--- background music: - "I've Got Peace Like a River" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
There are points in our lives where we wonder if the struggle to live as God calls us is worth it. Maybe we've failed in some big way and we wonder if repentance is really still available. Pastor Bob looks at Moses' prayer for the people in Exodus 35:5-9 and the story of Zaccheus from Luke 19:1-10 to remind us that God is not finished with us.
Join us for just over 27 minutes of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" - Bev Heid
2. "What Does the Lord Require of You?" - DisciplesNet singers
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Rev. Anita Cobb
4. "Spirit of the Living God" - Twana Harris
5. Luke 19:1-10 read by Jim Eads; Exodus 34:5-9 read by Russ Smith
6. Message: "God Is Not Finished With You" Pastor Bob
7. "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" - Southport Christian Church
8. Communion: Elder Susan
9. "We Have Been Redeemed" - DisciplesNet singers
10. Sending Out: Pastor Bob
11. Credits
--- background music: - "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
There are two realities of our lives as Christians: We are citizens of heaven and yet we are living on earth. How do we live out both these realities? Pastor Russ looks at the story of Jesus meeting Nicodemus and speaking about these realities to help us find the balance of the two.
Join us for just over 29 minutes of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "Breathe on Me Breath of God" - Bev Heid
2. "What Does the Lord Require of You?" - DisciplesNet singers
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Pastor Audrey
4. "A Beautiful Life" - Deal Phelps
5. John 3:1-17 read by Susan McNeely
6. Message: "Balancing Earth and Heaven" Pastor Russ
7. "Here I Am, Lord" - DisciplesNet singers
8. Communion: Pastor Bob
9. "In Remembrance of Me" - DisciplesNet singers
10. Sending Out: Pastor Russ
11. Credits
--- background music: - "Breathe on Me Breath of God" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
There are times in our walk of faith where we experience God in a deep and meaningful way. In this worship, Rev. Dean Phelps uses the story of Mary and Martha to help us understand how there's room for each type of person and behavior in God's family. Our calling is to try to understand where we are and a sense of God's calling to us. .
Join us for just over 28 minutes of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "Make Me a Channel of Your Blessing" - Bev Heid
2. "I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry" - DisciplesNet singers
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Pastor Bob
4. "What Does the Lord Require of You" - DisciplesNet singers
5. Luke 10:38-42 read by Anita Cobb
6. Message: "Martha, Dear Martha" Rev. Dean Phelps
7. "Lord Make Us Instruments" - Southport Christian Church
8. Communion: Pastor Deb
9. "In Remembrance of Me" - DisciplesNet singers
10. Sending Out: Rev. Dean Phelps
11. Credits
--- background music: - "Make Me a Channel of Your Blessing" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!