Sheep Friends in Belgium
Gracie found some long lost relatives in Ghent Belgium. She is glad to remind them that God loves all, great and small.
Gracie found some long lost relatives in Ghent Belgium. She is glad to remind them that God loves all, great and small.
Here Medad poses for Advent in front of a special devotional booklet by DisciplesNet pianist/artist Beverly Heid. Bev's instrumental piano music is special to our DisciplesNetters, specially created from an understanding of bringing hope while struggling with debilitating illness. Bev's music is behind the openings and prayer moments of many of our worship video, and some of our specials.… Read the rest “Medad at Christmas”
Two of our sheep take a ride with the help of our newest intern and a young friend.
Thanks to Southport Equestrian Center for letting our DisciplesNet Video intern team come out to take photos--And thanks to their two team members shown here for being such great hosts! Often the sheep of God's pasture have to try out new things.… Read the rest “Riding a really big horse!”
While Brebis seems to be getting the hang of his riding lessons, one of our DisciplesNet interns seems to be a natural at connecting. — at Southport Equestrian Center.
Brebris and 4 other of our DisciplesNet leadersheep went to Southport Equestrian Center in Indianapolis. They were met with great hospitality by more sheep from the equestrian center. Here they were all getting along great, despite all being different while also all being the same in so many ways, just like all of the sheep of God's pasture.
Summer 2012 is nearing an end and our four sheep are back from their travels. L-R: Mephibosheth (Bo), Brebis, Grace, and Stephen.
Brebis and his traveling buddy Bob pose in front of "the Pavilion," the birth place of Cherry Log Christian Church. Some of the ideas for starting DisciplesNet church came from here and the days when Revs. Fred Craddock and Dean Phelps worked to launch this new church.… Read the rest “at the Pavillion”
Brebis poses with the group after going to learn more about preaching God's word from one who wrote lots of books on it and was a gifted preacher. Brebis was listening in the background as Dr. Craddock told about the gift of gratitude, with the video of that here, a tribute after Dr.… Read the rest “with Fred Craddock”
Here some members of the DisciplesNet leadership team, plus colleagues meet after a great meal in Cherry Log, Georgia. Grace, Stephen, and Brebis get in the picture, enjoying fellowship. Grace reflects that It is not good for sheep to be alone.… Read the rest “at Cherry Log”