The Original Four
These are our original four sheep. They came to help out with a Children's sermon.
Our sheep started inviting all their friends to DisciplesNet Church... they are good evangelists.
These are our original four sheep. They came to help out with a Children's sermon.
Our sheep started inviting all their friends to DisciplesNet Church... they are good evangelists.
"A Change is Gonna Come," from an 1980s song by The Neville Brothers
From the diary of my maternal grandmother, Catherine Clark Voss:
… Read the rest ““A Change is Gonna Come,” a New Year’s devotional by Marci McGowan”[Life] Is a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece perfectly cut. Some parts have the jagged edges of pain. Some the curses of frustration.
All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.… Read the rest “Blue Christmas, a tool box, and the comfort dogs, A Devotional by Marci McGowan”
… Read the rest “Worshipfully, a devotion by Marci McGowan”It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship.
For many Christians in the Western part of the world, the church's new year will soon be here, beginning with the first day of Advent. The date moves year to year but is always the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This year that day is Sunday, November 29, 2015.… Read the rest ““Head of the Year?” A devotion about time by Marci McGowan”
The Fabric of Peace, written September 11, 2015
Today we remember 14 years ago
and Peace’s fabric ripped into shreds;
Innocent lives gone in an instant, or longer;
Brave lives given that others might live, in defiance
of the incomprehensible will of the life-takers.… Read the rest “The Fabric of Peace, thoughts on September 11, 2015”
What's in your bag?
Matthew 10:10
Don't take a traveling bag for the trip, a change of clothes, sandals, or a walking stick. After all, the worker deserves to have his needs met. -from God's Word Translation
Where I live in North Carolina, USA, right now it's summer and it is hot.… Read the rest “What’s in Your Bag? A devotion by Marci McGowan, July 28, 2015”
O LORD, we come to you in prayer this week, especially thinking of the pain in the world around us, that we hear on the news. While we celebrate with those who are joyous, with many reasons to celebrate, at the same time, we also pray for those in pain.… Read the rest “Weekly Prayer for the People, July 4, 2015”
Gracious God, our hearts break as we once again hear of people killed in the sanctity of a house of worship where your servants had gathered to study and pray.
It seems we pray this prayer too often, remembering only 3 months ago lifting prayers in heartache for our Christian brothers and sisters in Lahore, Pakistan, whose churches were targeted by suicide bombers, and many people killed and injured. … Read the rest “Prayer for victims of violence, after the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, USA”
… Read the rest ““Ora Et Labora,” ( Work and Prayer ), a devotion by Marci McGowan”-James 2:18-26, The Message, selected passages:
I can already hear one of you agreeing by saying, “Sounds good. You take care of the faith department, I’ll handle the works department.” Not so fast. You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works.