In the Sunday after Christmas Sunday, we look at some folks wondering what it all meant. There were shepherds, and King Herod who saw this child as a threat and sent the Magi (Wise Men) to find him. Yet also, even unto our day, we are not so much unlike those living 2000 years ago, as we work to understand what it all means to us. We hope that our worship this week can help, as we look at scripture from Matthew 2:13-25, sing songs, pray, and hear the message, “Epiphany” from Rev. Bob Shaw. Continue reading →
Where to be on a Christmas Sunday? Well, at DisciplesNet, we believe it is in the presence of God, worshipping as we celebrate the birth of the Christ of God. Here is one opportunity. In our worship, “No Room?” we hope that you will, nevertheless, have room for 38 minutes of Christmas sing-along, the Christmas story in scripture, prayer, and an inspiring short message.
And if you stay to the very end—you’ll have a choose a part and hold on as we sing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handle’s Messiah. So much here that we hope by the time you are finished, your heart will be full with just some of the miracle of Christmas. Continue reading →
Welcome to DisciplesNet Church, an online church with walls as wide as the world, doors that are always open, and always room at the table.
We invite you to join us for this special Christmas worship, made especially for persons who are sad, mourning loss, in pain, depressed, lonely, whatever reason you have to come here, even none at all. all are welcome without exception.
This worship service is 20 minutes long, with a time of prayer, lighting candles to remember, singing some quiet Christmas songs, and hearing the Christmas story. Continue reading →
Is anything greater than God's love for us in the world? This fourth Sunday in Advent we look at this question. Here at DisciplesNet we've worked through the seasons of the year to help us think about our advent Sundays--and this Sunday we move from the fresh new life born in the Springtime, to a sense of the work needed throughout the summer to help this new life grow to full potential. But..just what is that full potential? Continue reading →
As the wintry winds give way to blustery Spring’s new warmth, we experience joy! Some of it is from making it through the winter, some out of excitement of what is to come. For this Third Sunday of Advent, we look at a similar excitement of what is to come announced by John the Baptist, in talking about Jesus. We hope you’ll join us as we consider what it all means in our lives today.
Our worship this week is just over 30 minutes long, with sing-along hymns, prayers, and a special word from Pastor Bob from Matthew 11:1-12. As we do every week, our time together includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread) where you may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers are given to extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: “O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Come All Ye Faithful”
2. Introduction, Lighting of Advent Candle: Pastor Ann
3. Opening Chorus: “O Come O Come Emmanuel”
4. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Deb Phelps
5. Hymn: “I Wonder as I Wander”, Dean Phelps
6. Scripture: Matthew 11:2-11 (NRSV)
7. Message: Bob Shaw: John the Model
8. Hymn: “Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone”
9. Communion: Pastor Russ
10. Hymn: “I Come With Joy”
11. Sending out, with the “Cradle Song,” Susan McNeely
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
You may notice in our videos that we have various stuffed sheep with us in worship. To us, these are not toys, but important parts of our church.
It happened this way: When we began producing worship as DisciplesNet in November 2010, one of the first problems we recognized was that when we are speaking to the people on the other end of a camera and internet, we cannot actually see the people to whom we were speaking. It was easy to speak to the other pastors in the room, but as we prayed and preached and spoke, we instead wanted to be reminded of the people for whom we were serving—including people whose best way to attend worship might be online. We wanted to be speaking to them---and as best we could hearing and telling their stories.
So, on a whim, we set some sheep that we’d used for a children’s sermon in front of our speakers, and found that helped! Before we knew it, their number was growing. They spilled over onto the table as we spoke. They have become dear to us and no longer children’s toys— but representations of all of the sheep of God’s pasture, all of God’s children—the real people like you, whom we may not be able to see in real life, but wish never to forget are there, and are each and everyone loved by God more than we can ever comprehend. Those sheep are why we are here.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
For some, winter is a time of bitter cold and isolation. But that is where we go today with a special message for the second Sunday in Advent. So far we’ve traveled through the season of Autumn, bringing the excitement of fall colors and crisp air, to a time of hope for what comes as the seasons pass through icy Winter’s chill. Sometimes we are that way in our faith, too. But if we pause in the time of winter just a bit to reflect on our faith and the coming of Christ into our lives, powerful things can happen. We focus especially today on the angels message of peace to all people on earth.
Our worship this week is just over 30 minutes long, with sing-along hymns, prayers, and a special word from Pastor Amy in Belgium, and advent reading from England—two continents in production, and all continents worshipping with us as one people of God. As we do every week, our time together includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread) where you may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers are given to extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: “Lo How A Rose Ere Blooming”
2. Call to Worship, Introduction: Russ Smith
3. Opening Hymn: “In the Bulb There is a Flower”
4. Advent Candle Lighting, from England
5 Holy Baby, Holy Child, Lee Hamre
6. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Bob Shaw
7. Hymn: “Peace in the Valley”
8. Scripture: Russ Smith Psalm 4, Numbers 6:22-27 (NRSV)
9. Message: Amy Grogan
10. Hymn: “How Far is it to Bethlehem”
11. Communion: Anita Cobb
12. Hymn: “Eat this Bread”
13. Sending out
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
You may notice in our videos that we have various stuffed sheep with us in worship. To us, these are not toys, but important parts of our church.
It happened this way: When we began producing worship as DisciplesNet in November 2010, one of the first problems we recognized was that when we are speaking to the people on the other end of a camera and internet, we cannot actually see the people to whom we were speaking. It was easy to speak to the other pastors in the room, but as we prayed and preached and spoke, we instead wanted to be reminded of the people for whom we were serving—including people whose best way to attend worship might be online. We wanted to be speaking to them---and as best we could hearing and telling their stories.
So, on a whim, we set some sheep that we’d used for a children’s sermon in front of our speakers, and found that helped! Before we knew it, their number was growing. They spilled over onto the table as we spoke. They have become dear to us and no longer children’s toys— but representations of all of the sheep of God’s pasture, all of God’s children—the real people like you, whom we may not be able to see in real life, but wish never to forget are there, and are each and everyone loved by God more than we can ever comprehend. Those sheep are why we are here.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
Welcome to the first Sunday in Advent--the time of waiting, longing for the coming of the Messiah into the world as it was for the people so long ago. And, as the Christ child did come all those years ago, we now look forward to this same Christ coming anew into our hearts and lives today.
The church traditionally looks at the four Sundays in Advent as ones of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. This year DisciplesNet is doing that, but using nature to help us. We will use the fours seasons of Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer to look at these weeks in our hearts. So this Sunday, we look at Hope that comes in a Season of Fall.
We know that the seasons that each of us experience around the world will vary----some of us live at the equator, some in arctic regions, some in opposite times of northern and southern hemisphere. Where ever you live and the weather there,, we invite you to go with us on a four week journey through the seasons of our hearts.
And this week? We invite you to come along o a place where it is Fall, or Autumn: the days of summer have left us, the hours of sunlight are getting shorter, tree leaves turn beautiful colors and fall from the trees, and the warm air cools off signaling winter's approach. How can this time remind us of God, and the coming of Jesus into the world? How can it remind us of our work here on earth in the Kingdom of God? Please join us and see.
Worship is 31 minutes with time for song, prayer, scripture, an inspiring, thoughtful message. An as we do every week, our time together includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread) where you may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers are given to extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: “Holy Baby, Hold Child”
2. Call to Worship, Lighting of Advent Candle: Pastor Ann, with Isaiah 40:2-4, with chorus: " Holy Baby, Holy Child."
3. Opening Hymn: “In the Bulb There is a Flower”
4. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Susan McNeely. Background: Wind in the Olive Trees
5. Hymn: “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”
6. Scripture: Amy Grogan, Isaiah 2:1-5
7. Message: “Hope in a Season of Fall”
8. Hymn: “When God is a Child”
9. Communion: “Susan McNeely”
10. Hymn: “Jesus, Remember Me”
11. Sending out
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
You may notice in our videos that we have various stuffed sheep with us in worship. To us, these are not toys, but important parts of our church.
It happened this way: When we began producing worship as DisciplesNet in November 2010, one of the first problems we recognized was that when we are speaking to the people on the other end of a camera and internet, we cannot actually see the people to whom we were speaking. It was easy to speak to the other pastors in the room, but as we prayed and preached and spoke, we instead wanted to be reminded of the people for whom we were serving—including people whose best way to attend worship might be online. We wanted to be speaking to them---and as best we could hearing and telling their stories.
So, on a whim, we set some sheep that we’d used for a children’s sermon in front of our speakers, and found that helped! Before we knew it, their number was growing. They spilled over onto the table as we spoke. They have become dear to us and no longer children’s toys— but representations of all of the sheep of God’s pasture, all of God’s children—the real people like you, whom we may not be able to see in real life, but wish never to forget are there, and are each and everyone loved by God more than we can ever comprehend. Those sheep are why we are here.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God looks out for sheep--yes the cute, bouncy little lambs as well as their straying and stubborn relatives. God as the Good Shepherd and people the sheep, is one of the most important images of the Bible. Our worship today looks at a time when the people of Israel had experienced a series of bad “shepherds”, In Jeremiah 23:1-6, God speaks through the prophet Jeremiah with a message of hope. God cares about the sheep, is angered at bad shepherds, and will send a Good Shepherd to show the way. We are honored to have as Guest Preacher today Rev. Tyler Whipkey, who also works as a chaplain.
We hope that you will join us in worship, 29 minutes with song, prayer, message, and so much more you won’t want to miss. Please share….and may God bless you richly this week.
As we do every week, our time together includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread) where you may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers are given to extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: “The Lord Will Be My Shepherd”
2. Call to Worship: Amy Grogan
3. Opening Hymn: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”
4. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Russ Smith
5. Hymn: “What Does the Lord Require of You?”
6. Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-6, Deb Phelps
7. Message: “Look to the Shepherd”
8. Hymn: “No Never Alone”
9. Communion: “Susan McNeely”
10. Hymn: “Here at Thy Table, Lord”
11. Sending out
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
You may notice in our videos that we have various stuffed sheep with us in worship. To us, these are not toys, but important parts of our church.
It happened this way: When we began producing worship as DisciplesNet in November 2010, one of the first problems we recognized was that when we are speaking to the people on the other end of a camera and internet, we cannot actually see the people to whom we were speaking. It was easy to speak to the other pastors in the room, but as we prayed and preached and spoke, we instead wanted to be reminded of the people for whom we were serving—including people whose best way to attend worship might be online. We wanted to be speaking to them---and as best we could hearing and telling their stories.
So, on a whim, we set some sheep that we’d used for a children’s sermon in front of our speakers, and found that helped! Before we knew it, their number was growing. They spilled over onto the table as we spoke. They have become dear to us and no longer children’s toys— but representations of all of the sheep of God’s pasture, all of God’s children—the real people like you, whom we may not be able to see in real life, but wish never to forget are there, and are each and everyone loved by God more than we can ever comprehend. Those sheep are why we are here.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
Last week and this we’re looking at the Saints of God. Is there any hope for each of us? Last week we learned that saints are not perfect people, but people called to serve and work together. This week we look at that working together part. God equips us and calls each to be part of something far bigger than we could ever imagine. Are you in? Please join us for worship—just over 28 minutes of song, scripture, prayer, praise, and reflection. Our scriptures are Matthew 5: 1-12 and Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-17. Continue reading →
Some who come here grieve the loss of loved ones, ones who were so important in our lives… The New Testament writers speak of the saints among us and those who have gone on to their earthly reward. They are not perfect people, but called in a perfect way by God who gives us the privilege of life and trying to make a difference while here, even as we look forward to the gift of eternal life.
In our worship this week we study, pray, sing, and reflect upon what it means to be saints of this world, of how best to remember the saints of our own lives. We hope that you will help make this time more complete by joining us. Worship is 29 minutes, with so much you won’t want to miss. Please share….and may God bless you richly this week.
As we do every week, our time together includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread) where you may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers are given to extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
2. Call to Worship and Prayer: Pastor Ann
3. Opening Hymn, “For All the Saints”
4. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Pastor Deb
5. Hymn: “Open the Eyes of My Heart”
6. Scripture: Ephesians 1:11-23 NRSV, Pastor Deb
7. Message: “Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before” Pastor Bob Shaw
8. Hymn: “O When the Saints”
9. Communion: Elder Susan
10. Hymn: “In Remembrance of Me”
11. Sending out
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
You may notice in our videos that we have various stuffed sheep with us in worship. To us, these are not toys, but important parts of our church.
It happened this way: When we began producing worship as DisciplesNet in November 2010, one of the first problems we recognized was that when we are speaking to the people on the other end of a camera and internet, we cannot actually see the people to whom we were speaking. It was easy to speak to the other pastors in the room, but as we prayed and preached and spoke, we instead wanted to be reminded of the people for whom we were serving—including people whose best way to attend worship might be online. We wanted to be speaking to them---and as best we could hearing and telling their stories.
So, on a whim, we set some sheep that we’d used for a children’s sermon in front of our speakers, and found that helped! Before we knew it, their number was growing. They spilled over onto the table as we spoke. They have become dear to us and no longer children’s toys— but representations of all of the sheep of God’s pasture, all of God’s children—the real people like you, whom we may not be able to see in real life, but wish never to forget are there, and are each and everyone loved by God more than we can ever comprehend. Those sheep are why we are here.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address: