Children’s Moment for Advent A3 – 11-Dec-22
11-Dec-2 (Matthew 11:2-11)
When you talk to friends and other people about church, what do you talk about? [Wait for answers] Do you talk about studying who God is and how the church works? [again, wait]
Those might be some things you talk about, but when John's disciples came to Jesus to find out who he was, Jesus just said, "Tell John what you see and hear."
That's what we're supposed to do when we talk about God and church to other people. We don't have to know all kinds of secrets. We just need to talk about what we've seen and heard. That doesn't sound so hard, does it?
Let's pray about that.
God, we thank you that we could see who you are through what Jesus said and did. We thank you for all the other people who show us who you are by what they do and say. Help us to be like that: Help us to share who you are by telling others what we've seen and heard.
We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.