Children’s Moment for Easter 5b – 28-April-24
28-Apr-24 (John 15:1-8)
In our gospel reading for today, Jesus says, "I am the vine. You are the branches." Do you know how plants work? Well a plant needs two things to keep it going: It needs the light from the sun and it needs water and nutrients from the soil. The roots of the plant draw in water and nutrients from the soil. The green, leafy part of the plant uses the sunlight to create food from those nutrients.
So when Jesus says that he is the vine, he means that he is where we get the things we need. As the branches, we take in those things, and we grow in our faith. So, we have to stay connected with Jesus in order to grow and to live the way God wants. We stay connected with Jesus by learning about him and doing the things Jesus wants us to do, for God and for others.
Let's talk to God about that.
God, we thank you that you give us everything we need to grow up the way you want us to through Jesus. Help us to stay connected to him. Help us to share the things we learn about Jesus with others so they can get connected to him too.
We pray in Jesus' name.