Children’s Moment for Lent 2b – 24-Feb-24
28-Feb-24 (Mark 9:2-9)
Have you ever been listening to something for a while without realizing what you're hearing. Maybe it's a bird calling or a dog barking. Maybe it's your mom or dad calling you. Suddenly you realize that you've been hearing it for a while without really paying attention.
In our gospel story for today, God tells the disciples to listen to Jesus. God isn't just saying to hear Jesus, but to pay very careful attention; to really listen.
It's important for us too, to really listen to Jesus, so we can hear what Jesus is saying, try to understand it, and then try to do what Jesus asks us to do.
Let's pray about that.
God, we help us to listen when Jesus speaks to us, whether Jesus speaks from his own words in our Bible or if Jesus speaks to us in our hearts. Help us to really listen and then do what Jesus asks.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN