Children’s Moment for Lent 2C – 16-Mar-25
16-Mar-25 (Luke 9:28-36)
What do you think God looks like? [wait for answers]
I notice that none of your said that God looks like a chicken. That's because no one thinks God looks like a chicken. Except ... Jesus in today's gospel story says that he would like to gather God's children together like a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
Now Jesus didn't think God looks like a chicken either. What Jesus is saying is that just like a mother hen, when her children are threatened, gathers them together and protects them, Jesus wants to gather God's children together and protect them too.
God loves you and wants you to be safe and protected.
So maybe we, even though we don't look like chickens either, can do what the baby chicks do and gather close to God so God can help us.
Let's pray about that.
God, we thank you that you sent us Jesus to show us how much you love us. Help us to stay close to you, by praying and by doing what you want us to do, so that you can guide us and protect us.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.