Children’s Moment for Proper B5 – 9-Jun-24
9-Jun-24 (Mark 3:20-35)
In our gospel story for today, Jesus says something that may sound a bit odd. Well, Jesus does that a lot, but in this case, people came and told Jesus that his mother and brothers and sisters were waiting for him and Jesus said, "The people who do what my Father wants to have done are my brothers and sisters."
You see, being in Jesus' family for us isn't about having the same parents. It's about being like Jesus and doing what God wants done in our world. What are some ways we can be like Jesus, then? [wait for answers]
Right. We can be like Jesus by telling others that God loves them. (Or even better, we can show them that God loves them by loving them too.)
We can be like Jesus by helping others when they're scared or hurt or maybe just feeling lonely.
We can be like Jesus by working to make things right and fair and good for everyone, especially the people who are usually left out or forgotten.
Let's talk to God about that.
God, we thank you that you give us Jesus to show us how to live the way you want us to live and to help us to know that you love us. Help us to be more like Jesus and show other people what it means to be part of your family.
We pray in Jesus' name.