Children’s Moment for Proper B25 – 27-Oct-24
27-Oct-24 (Mark 10:46-52)
In our gospel story for today, there is a man who would like to talk to Jesus. He was standing at the side of the road when he heard people saying that Jesus was coming by, so he began to call out so that Jesus would notice him and come over and hear what was bothering him.
Many of the folks that were traveling along the road yelled at him to be quiet, but he kept right on trying to get Jesus' attention and when Jesus came by and heard him, Jesus told folks to bring the man over to him because Jesus wanted to hear him. So they did.
Jesus listened to the man and he took care of the man's needs right away and the man followed Jesus from then on.
Now some of you have something that's bothering you and maybe you're wondering if Jesus has time to listen to you about that. This story shows us that God wants to hear us and wants to help us. You can be sure that, whatever you need and whenever something is bothering you, God has the time and would like to hear about it.
In fact, let's go to God right now and let's talk to God about that.
God, we thank you for sending us Jesus to show us that you have time for us and want to hear us, especially when we need something or something is bothering us. We thank you that we know that we can always come to you and talk about these things.
We pray in Jesus' name. AMEN