Children’s Moment for Thanksgiving B – 26-Nov-24
20-Nov-22 (Matthew 6:25-33)
In the gospel story for today, Jesus is telling his followers not to worry about what they need, things like clothes and food. Do you know someone who might not have clothes or food? [wait for answers]
There are people who don't have enough. They might not have a home, or enough food to eat, or even enough clothes to wear. But Jesus is telling us not to worry about that. Jesus says that God will take care of that.
Here's the thing though. God expects us to do God's work as much as we're able to do. Jesus says elsewhere that when we help people in need of food, clothes, or even just a friend to sit with them, it's like we're doing it for him.
I think the reason Jesus tells us not to worry about these things is that if we're doing our job, people will have food and clothing and homes. When people don't have those things, it means we still have work to do.
Let's pray about that.
God, we thank you for Jesus, who showed us how we can love each other. Help us to meet the needs of others around us so that people won't have to worry about clothes and food and a house to live in.
We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.