SV025-Interview, DisciplesNet, Krista Johnson
DisciplesNet Interview #1, Krista Johnson
We hope you will join us for this interview of Krista Johnson by our DisciplesNet Video Intern team on March 22, 2012. Krista has devoted her life to working for peace even in the most difficult of times and places. We are extremely grateful to her for taking the time to come to our studio and share with us while in town on her way back from a recent trip to the Middle East.
This interview is the first finished project of our video intern team. Our team is made of middle and high school students who are learning camera and videoediting as ways to make the world a better place. They are looking for ways to help people tell their stories of peace and reconciliation.
We look forward to them sharing their work, and celebrate the fine job Francisco did in his first video-editing project.
DisciplesNet is a non-profit church seeking to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We operate out of the support of our viewers around the world, and appreciate contributions which allow us to continue to create new work which remains available on our site around the clock and around the world.
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May God bless you and bring you peace.