DisciplesNet Worship # 24, “Can These Bones Live?,” (Shaw, 04 10 11)
In today's worship Rev. Bob Shaw artfully weaves a message of hope from Ezekiel 37 and the story of Ezekiel's experience of prophesying to the valley of dry bones. Included in today's time together in worship are an equally hopeful communion meditation by Rev. Audrey Borschel, and popular hymn favorites, "It is Well With My Soul," "Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley," and "Seed, Scattered and Sown." We hope you will join us for this short time together in worship: just over 30 minutes, and that you will be blessed by the time you spend here.
Service information: Scriptures and Songs:
Psalms 9:11-14 (NRSV); Ezekiel 37-1-14 (NRSV)
Songs (numbers are those in Chalice hymnal):
"It is Well With My Soul," #561
"Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley," #211
"Seed Scattered and Sown," #395