DisciplesNet Worship # 26, Maundy Thursday (Spaulding, 04 21 11)
Our DisciplesNet worship video #26 has been created for Maundy Thursday worship of Holy Week. Maundy Thursday was named in Christian tradition for 'mandatum novum,' Latin for "new commandment," which is at the heart of the last moments Jesus spent with his disciples, and his commandment that his disciples love one another.
In that tradition, our worship uses some of the symbolic acts of that last night, including washing of the feet, and breaking of the bread. Richard Propes' leads the washing of the feet, symbolic of servant leadership, from his Church of the Brethren background. Bob Shaw brings the words from the table. In watching the scenes from our worship, we invite those watching online to imagine servant leadership from within your own context.
An extra special gift on this video is the inspiring message, "In That Moment," by Janet Spaulding, her first for DisciplesNet.
We hope you will feel blessed by your time spent with us in this Maundy Thursday service, and go away with a sense of Jesus' presence in this special moment together.