DisciplesNet Worship # 32, “A Place for Healing” (Perkins 05 29 11)
Worship video #32 comes in the wake of a fierce string of tornadoes that struck midwestern United States, leaving a path of death and destruction, while others are still recovering from earlier storms in the U.S. (over 500 people have been killed in U.S. tornadoes this spring). We continue to pray for Japan, recovering from their devastating earthquake and tsunami, and typhoons.
In our video, we give a special place of prayer for those affected by the storms, including those with the tough job of coming to the aid.
To this theme we bring Rev. Anjeanette Perkins bringing a message that looks at "Finding a Place for Healing." Her sermon was planned for this day and preached before the storms, but has special meaning, especially when looking at the question of what happens when some people are not 'healed' in the way the world suggests they should be. The same thoughts could be toward people who perished in the storm. New Testament and Preaching professor and author Ronald J. Allen, of Christian Theological Seminary is a special guest at the table today, further explaining how Jesus and the disciples viewed the significance of the communion meal in terms of the ends of time.
In this worship, we also pay tribute to Sue Warrick, a hardworking disciple servant-leader (who helped us in our Mercy Choir), and who passed from this life two weeks previously after falling ill in March.
We have included in our worship songs of healing and wholeness, which we hope may provide some peace amidst whatever of life's storms you are facing.
Service Notes:
Message: A Place for Healing, Rev. Anj Perkins
Scripture, James 5:13-20 (NRSV)
Music: African American Spirituals:
"Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," "Peace in the Valley," "There is a Balm in Gilead"
Hymns: "Here at Thy Table, Lord," "In the Bulb There is a Flower."