DisciplesNet Worship # 68, “Uncommon” (Phelps 02 05 12)
DisciplesNet Worship #68, was released the week of the Super Bowl of American football, being held a few miles from the DisciplesNet worship center in Indianapolis, Indiana. We hope you will be blessed by our worship about God’s blessing of being “Uncommon.” Our short time of worship combines several favorites, including the text from Isaiah 40:21-35 (for I will lift you up on eagle’s wings) and two favorite hymns of our congregation, "On Eagle’s Wings," and "Borning Cry."
Our message by Deb Phelps looks at success and failure a worldly as well as God's perspective, drawing upon the world of athletics, but just everyday instances when we have the opportunity to feel like "the hero or the goat."
We work hard to design our worship so that you will have opportunities to participate (and keep working how to best do this.) If you would like, we hope you will join us in reciting our scripture, saying the Lord’s prayer, and making a joyful noise along with us on our hymns.
With our hymns, we can’t hear each other, but try to use our imagination to hear what God hears when we join our voices together around the world.
One of our message’s opening photos shows a world map with some countries colored in blue. Those countries are the ones from where people have been connecting to our DisciplesNet worships. So far, this includes people in 86 countries who are gathering here at this place called DIsicplesNet.
If you would like to get in touch with us, our website is www.disciplesnet.com.
Please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org if you would like to email one of our pastors, or would like to talk with a pastor about a matter of faith, including giving your life over to God, through Jesus Christ.
DisciplesNet is a non-profit, a church that makes its resources available free of charge for people around the world who need the connection that they can make on the internet this way. Today’s worship and those archived on our site (67 previous ones) are made possible through the gifts of persons who have contributed so that we can continue to “cross barriers and boundaries to share the good news of God’s redeeming love.”
Donations can be made through our website, www.disciplesnet.org, or to our physical mailing address,
DisciplesNet Church
PO Box 17935
Indianapolis, IN 46217
Participating in Today’s Worship
Message: Deb Phelps
Pastors Prayer: Blanche Edwards
Scripture: Bob Shaw, Susan McNeely, Deb Phelps
Communion: Bob Shaw
Communion prayer: Susan McNeely
DisciplesNet Worship # 68, “Uncommon” (Phelps 02 05 12)