DisciplesNet Worship # 75, “Three Snake Stories” (Borschel 03.18.2012)
We hope you will join us in this week's worship, where Pastor Audrey Borschel skillfully knits together Old Testament and New Testament scriptures about Moses, the people of Israel, and snakes, with a fun story of her own, ending up with Nicodemus and finally "getting it" about who Jesus really is. How does she do this? We hope you will tune in a see.
For our music today we have four favorites; we hope you will sing along with enthusiasm if you can, or perhaps just follow along in the beat:
"Because He Lives," "The Old Rugged Cross," "Softly and "Tenderly," and "Eat this Bread,"
Today's scriptures are Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:13-17, both read today out of the NRSV of the Bible. We hope you will join us for this short time of worship (30 minutes), and will be blessed by participating. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that never close, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org.
Instead of a call to offering within our worship video, we invite you to join others who made our presence on the internet highway with a sense of God's call to give to help support this ministry. We continue to grow steadily and have so many exciting projects planned to connect with people who have been connected from the church.
If you would like to be part of making this ministry possible through giving of a gift, this can be done by going to our website www.disciplesnet.org and going through Pay Pal or credit cards, by writing to our physical PO Box at:
DisciplesNet Church
PO Box 17935
Indianapolis, IN 46217
or emailing us at giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
Participating in today's Worship:
Message: Audrey Borschel
Communion: Bob Shaw; prayer Deb Phelps
Pastor's Prayer: Blanche Edwards
Scripture: Janet Spaulding (John 3:13-17, NRSV), Susan McNeely (Numbers 21:4-9)'
"Because He Lives," written by Bill and Gloria Gaither, 1974
sung by Southport Christian Church Congregation, Indianapolis
"Old Rugged Cross"by George Bennard, 1912
"Softly and Tenderly,"by Will L. Thompson, 1880
"Eat this Bread," Jacques Berthier and the Taize Community