DisciplesNet Worship # 94, “Working on a Building,” (DisciplesNet Phelps, 07.22.2012)
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Welcome to DisciplesNet Worship!
(scroll down for order of worship)
Worship #94 is filled with the special gifts that we've brought together for those of you worshipping here at this place called DisciplesNet. First, we bring in guest preacher, Rev. Dean Phelps, Team Minister with the Christian Church in Indiana, and regular contributor to our music at DisciplesNet. Dean challenges us with the word that King David received after deciding that he needed to make a suitable building for God.
Phoebe Spier was at the DisciplesNet office a few weeks ago with the team of Disciples Peace interns that she shepherds. Phoebe, accompanied by Dean Phelps on guitar, offers the opening song, "As the Deer,"and the Peace interns bring us a brief Call to Worship. Later Phoebe sings, "Sanctuary" for us.
We also are grateful to have Rev. Callie Smith reading scripture for us today.
Our worship includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread)--for which we extend the invitation given by Jesus Christ to all who would come. If you would like to share with us in this time at the table that passes all boundaries of place, time, and walls, then we ask that you prepare a wafer, cracker, or bread and a drink, and we ask that our blessing will extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, use a symbolic gesture or mental symbols of joining with us.
We hope you will join us for this short time of worship (28 minutes), and will be blessed by participating. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that never close, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org.
Invitation to Giving:
DisciplesNet is growing and has much in the works! If you would like to be part of this ministry through helping to equip the church financially for its work, you have several ways. This includes going to our website disciplesnet.org and going through Pay Pal or credit cards, by writing to our physical PO Box at:
DisciplesNet Church
PO Box 17935
Indianapolis, IN 46217
or emailing us at giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
Order of Worship:
1. Call to Worship, led by Disciples Peace Interns: Amy Austin, Blaine Kuss, Cambria Findley-Grubb
2. Song: "As the Deer," sung by Phoebe Spier, Dean Phelps
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Rev. Blanche Edwards
4. Song: "What Does the Lord Require of You?" Chalice Hymnal #661, sung by DisciplesNet Congregational singers
5. Scripture, 2 Samuel 7:1-14a (NRSV), Callie Smith
6. Message: "Working on a Building" Rev. Dean Phelps, with Ephesians 2: 19-22 (NRSV)
7. Song: "Sanctuary," sung by Phoebe Spier, with Dean Phelps, Jim Eads.
8. Communion/Breaking Bread: Rev. Deb Phelps, with prayer by Blanche Edwards
9. "When You Do This, Remember Me," CH #400, DisciplesNet singers
10. Invitation to Giving
11. Benediction, Rev. Dean Phelps
"As the Deer," by Martin J. Nystrom, 1981,
"What Does the Lord Require of You?" Jim Strathdee, 1986
"Sanctuary," words and music by John Thompson and Randy Scruggs.
"I'm Working on a Building," Appalachian folk song
"When You Do This, Remember Me," words adapted from Ephesians by Alexander Campbell, and from Campbell's Christian System by songwriter David Edwards.
Opening scene is from collection of Daniel Speck, freestockphotos.com
"As the Deer," by Martin J. Nystrom, 1981,
"What Does the Lord Require of You?" Jim Strathdee, 1986
"Sanctuary," words and music by John Thompson and Randy Scruggs.
"I'm Working on a Building," Appalachian folk song
"When You Do This, Remember Me," words adapted from Ephesians by Alexander Campbell, and from Campbell's Christian System by songwriter David Edwards.
Opening scene is from collection of Daniel Speck, freestockphotos.com
When Phoebe Spier is singing it warms my heart. My wife, Debby, and I have known and loved her for years; her music is worshipful and heartwarming. Dean Phelps music is always a blessing; everyone who participates at DisciplesNet is a blessing to us; we personally know almost everyone and those we have not met in person, we feel like we know you too. I am so thankful that we have DisciplesNet every week, there is not a Disciples Church within 15 miles of us and this helps keep us connected.
Thanks for this! I love the informal, conversational style of the
message. Great music, as always (warmest greetings to Phoebe Spier!).
The photos are great, too.
Thanks, Bill! Sure is great to enjoy having you worshiping with us. We will pass along your greetings to Phoebe. Shalom
Enjoyed this service very much. Appreciated the navigation tools, the photography, the music, and the message. First time at Disciplesnet. I’m so proud of the work you have accomplished.
Thanks so much for joining us Sally! One of our favorite preachers was on here…