DisciplesNet Worship # 98, “Keeping the Bread Fresh,” (Shaw 08.19.2012)
We invite you to join us for DisciplesNet worship #98, looking at John 6:51-58, and what Rev. Bob Shaw calls, "Keeping the Bread Fresh."
Along with our message are favorite hymns, All Hail the Power," "Because He Lives," and the gift of Thom Schuyler singing his original song, "One Piece of Bread."
Our worship includes a time of communion (breaking of the bread)--for which we extend the invitation given by Jesus Christ to all who would come. If you would like to share with us in this time at the table that passes all boundaries of place, time, and walls, then we ask that you prepare a wafer, cracker, or bread and a drink, and we ask that our blessing will extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, use a symbolic gesture or mental symbols of joining with us.
We hope you will join us for this short time of worship (28 minutes), and will be blessed by participating. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that never close, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org.
Invitation to Giving:
DisciplesNet is growing and has much in the works! If you would like to be part of this ministry through helping to equip the church financially for its work, you have several ways. This includes going to our website disciplesnet.org and going through Pay Pal or credit cards, by writing to our physical PO Box at:
DisciplesNet Church
PO Box 17935
Indianapolis, IN 46217
or emailing us at giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
Order of Worship:
1. Song: "All Hail the Power," Chalice Hymnal #91,
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Rev. Deb Phelps
4. Song: "Because He Lives," in CH #561
5. Scripture, John 6:51-58 (NRSV), Susan McNeely
6. Message: "Keeping the Bread Fresh," Rev. Bob Shaw
7. Song: "One Piece of Bread,' in Chalice Praise, written, sung by Thom Schuyler
8. Communion/Breaking Bread: Rev. Blanche Edwards
9. "One Piece of Bread, last verse
10. Benediction, Rev. Bob Shaw