Offering Meditation for Easter 2b – 7-April-24
7-April-24 (Acts 4:32-35)
In our scripture from Acts for today, the early Church is described as sharing all things together. While we don't have all our possessions in common like the early Church, we do share a common mission and common ministries.
Each of us contributes our time, talents, and treasure to support the work of the Church, that the Good News of God's love is shared in our world in word and in deeds, that people are taught the content of our faith, and that our staff and our building have what they need to continue to minister.
The extent that we embrace those common ministries and common mission determines how well that work is done.
Let's consider that as we take up our offering for today.
God, we are grateful for all we have been given by your hand. We are also honored to be a part of your work here on Earth. Bless these gifts that we have returned to you, that your work would continue and be done well.
Bless us as well, that we would be good representatives of your purposes for us and for the world.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN.