Offering Meditation for Epiphany 3c – 26-Jan-25
26-Jan-25 (Luke 4:14-27)
Jesus said that the scripture was being fulfilled as the folks heard it read. I will say that this scripture is being fulfilled as we live it out in deeds of reconciliation, liberation, and simple caring for those in need.
We fulfill this scripture by giving of ourselves and our resources to make these things happen.
Our opportunities are many, and one of them is coming up right now. We can give of our financial resources to allow the work of reconciliation, liberation, and caring here in our congregation, in our wider community, and all over the world.
Let's consider our part of that as we take up our offering for today.
Please join me now in a spirt of prayer.
God who is always working toward setting free the captives, healing the sick, caring for the poor and forgotten. Bless these gifts we return to you that they will be put to use to see these things happen.
Bless us as well, that we can truly become your ambassadors, calling ourselves and others to participate in this liberating and loving work.
We pray in the name of the one who announced that this was coming to pass, our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.