Offering Meditation for Lent 3C – 23-Mar-25
23-Mar-25 (Luke 13:1-9)
What does it take for us to thrive, to bear fruit, to make a difference in this world? One thing that is part of bearing that fruit is to help others to thrive. Sometimes the needs are obvious: food, clothing, shelter, safety. Other times, those needs may be deeper and even closely guarded.
But the work of the Church and each of us as Christians is to share the love of God for all in physical deeds as well as words.
To that end, we give of our time, our abilities, and our financial resources so that we can provide the help we can personally and also provide the help we can through people who represent us.
Our offering goes to support the ministries of caring, teaching, and helping in our congregation, our community, and throughout the world.
As our deacons come to take up our offering for today, let's consider our part in bearing fruit for the good of the world.
Please join me now in the spirit of prayer.
God, who is the source of all good things and who has nurtured us so that we have fruit to bear, help us to provide for the needs of others, that they can have what they need to thrive. Bless these gifts that we return to your hand, that they be put into use in ways that help others to bear fruit as well.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.