Offering Meditation (Gospel) for Lent 2b – 24-February-24
24-Feb-24 (Mark 9:2-9)
The work of the Church consists of two movements. Just as the disciples encountered Jesus in a way that increased their understanding of who he was and what he meant, so we too must encounter our Christ in ways that increase our understanding and help us to grow in the faith.
But also, just as the disciples were not called to make a shrine and focus solely on those encounters, so we are called to carry the Good News into the world in word and deed.
The offering, which we're about to take up, is one of the ways we provide for both of these movements, the internal and the external work of the Church.
Let's consider how we can participate in this work both through our offering and through giving of our time and abilities.
Please join me in prayer.
God, who reveals yourself to us so that we may reveal you to the world, we thank you for sending us Jesus so we could understand you better and take up the call to share your Good News.
Bless these offerings and put them to good use in that work and bless the givers as well that we may carry you into the world through what we say and what we do.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN