Offering Meditation for Pentecost B – 19-May-24
19-May-24 (Acts 2:1-21)
On the Church's first day of Pentecost, the Spirit made it possible for the Good News of God's love to spread throughout the known world. The Spirit is at work in this congregation as well, providing the abilities and resources for us to reach out into this place, into our community, and into the larger world.
We can participate in that by giving of ourselves and our resources, that the Good New can spread throughout the known world today.
Consider how you can be a part of that as we take up our offering for today.
Please join me now in prayer.
God who did not hesitate to share your love with the whole world, we thank you for all the ways you continue to bless us. As we return a portion of that blessing back to you, we pray that you would use it to share the Good News of your love in both words and deeds.
Empower us as well that we can also share your love in words and deeds.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN.