Offering Meditation for Proper 11a – 23-July-23
23-July-23 (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)
In Jesus Parable in the scripture today, we hear about good seed and bad being sown into the same field. We experience this all the time in our lives: Our best impulses war with those that are harmful to ourselves and others. One secret to dealing with this is to determine which seed to feed. When we commit ourselves to doing good, we don't always succeed, but we choose to feed the good seed in our lives and help it to grow.
As we come to the time of offering in our service, let us consider how giving of our resources -- our time, our abilities, and our financial resources -- is one way that we can feed our better impulses. And, as we do so, we not only do good for the moment, but we become capable of doing good in the future.
God, who is the source of all of our good impulses, help us to commit to doing good in this world. Bless these gifts we bring of all that you have given to our keeping so that people will feel your presence, know your love, and have what they need to thrive in this world.
In Jesus name, AMEN