Offering Meditation for Proper B11 – 21-Jul-24
21-July-24 (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56)
There are a lot of incredible things that go on in the ministries of this congregation. I don't believe we've ever fed 5000 men, with women and children on top of that, but we do have ministries that work to help those without food, clothing, or shelter. We have ministries that comfort people who are suffering. We have ministries that work to share the love of God in all kinds of ways for people here in the congregation, in our community, and in our world.
People give of their time, their abilities, and their financial resources to make all that happen ...
and you can too. Consider how you can be a part of that as we take up our offering for today.
Please join me now in prayer. God, whose love makes us capable of great things, we pray for this offering, that you would use it to do amazing things in your work. We pray for ourselves as well, that we can be instruments of sharing your love as well.
We pray in the name of Jesus our Christ, AMEN.