Offering Meditation for Proper B23 – 13-Oct-24
13-Oct-24 (Mark 10:17-31)
Sometimes, when we read Jesus' comments to others we read them as if they were commands for all of us. We need to be careful with that. When Jesus tells the man in our story today that he should sell all he has and give the proceeds to the poor, it was because his riches distracted him from the things God wanted. Some of us may be called to do that. Some of us may be called to invest wisely and have a constant stream of revenue that we could give for those in need. Some of us don't have much, but all of us can give of our time and abilities to help in God's work.
As we take up our offering for today, let's consider how we are called to participate in sharing God's love with those around us by giving of what we have.
Please join me now in prayer.
God, who showed us how to give by giving freely of all you have, give us the courage and the strength to let go. Show us how we can bring your presence into this world in words and in deeds by being generous and open to your leading.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN