Offering Meditation for Proper 24a – 22-October-23
22-October-23 (Matthew 22:15-22)
You probably can't find a more appropriate verse to enter into a time of offering than our gospel passage for today. I could simply say Jesus' own words, "Give to God what is God's." and end there... but I won't.
The thing is, we realize that everything good that we have is a gift from God and it is in gratitude for God's own generosity that we give our gifts. We give our time, our money, our abilities, to keep the work of God through our congregation going because we have been so richly blessed.
Let's consider that as we give God back what is God's in our offering for today.
God, who is generous to us in so many ways, we thank you that you have taught us what generosity truly is. Now, as we give you back a portion of that, we pray that you would put it to use making your word known, showing your love to the world in the actions of the Church, and helping us all to grow in our faith as well.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN.