Offering Meditation for Proper 28a – 19-November-23
19-Nov-23 (Matthew 25:14-30)
We often think about giving back to God when it comes time to take up the offering, but we don't always think about what is to precede that. In the gospel reading for today, the master commends his servants for taking his money and making more of it before returning it to him.
In our case, we have no only financial resources, but also gifts of time and abilities that we've received from God. Before we give of those back to God, it is our responsibility and privilege to help grow those gifts though our own efforts. What have you done this week to help invest your time, talent, and treasure to return more to God than what you were given?
Let's consider that as we take up our offering for today.
Please join me now in prayer.
God, we thank you for all good things that you've given us. Help us to grow those gifts as we have them so we can offer more back to you. Bless these gifts that we give now and put them to use in sharing the Good News of your love, teaching us and others about you, and bringing your presence into our world.
We pray in Jesus' name.