Offering Meditation for Reign of Christ A – 26-November-23
26-Nov-23 (Matthew 25:31-46)
There are so many things that this congregation does as a part of our lives of faith together. One of the most important of those is how we treat people in need. That's a bit part of the gospel story for today. We will account for ourselves based on how we treat the least of these.
As we take up our offering for today, let's consider how we can position our abilities, our time, and our financial resources to care for those who need it.
Please join me now in prayer.
God, we thank you for the countless ways you show your love for us. We pray that you would bless these gifts and these people to bring your presence and your love more fully into our world, especially to those who are most in need and most easily overlooked.
We pray in Jesus' name.