Table Meditation and Prayer for Advent 1b – 3-December-23
3-Dec-23 (Mark 13:24-37)
The Gospel reading for today tells us about recognizing signs of Jesus' coming, but let's turn our attention to signs that Jesus was already here. We stand before this table, which Jesus gave to us to remember him. We stand before this bread and cup, reminders of God's love that know no bounds. And we stand before this table as believers in Jesus who in some small way can ourselves be signs that Jesus has come, and that God is present in this world.
Let's pray about that.
God, who sent us Jesus, to teach us how to love you and love others, fill us with that love as we come before you to remember him. As we take this bread and cup, symbols of your undying love for each of us, let us also prepare to take up Christ's message of your love, freely given to all people and carry it into our world.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN