Table Meditation (Gospel) for Advent A2 – 4-Dec-22
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4-Dec-22 (Matthew 3:1-12)
John the Baptist has one job and he's intent on doing it. His job is to prepare people for the coming of the Messiah. His job it to preach repentance and tell people the news.
That's just like us. Our job as Christians is to show the world what the realm of God looks like and tell them the Good News of God's love through Jesus.
When we gather at the table, it's to remember Jesus so that we're strengthened, committed, and ready to share the Good News back in our world.
Let us pray.
God who showed us how much you loved us by sending Jesus to teach us, to show us your realm, and to free us from sin and death on the cross, we thank you for that love which overcame all odds for us.
We thank you for the example and teaching of Jesus and we thank you for these symbols of bread and cup that remind us that your love is stronger than sin and death.
Now, as we take the bread and cup, fill us with your Spirit, so that we can take up our task and carry the Good News of your loving presence to the waiting world.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.