Table Meditation (Gospel) for Advent 2C – 8-Dec-24
8-Dec-24 (Luke 3:1-6)
John's call in the wilderness was to repent of your sin and to make the way of the Lord straight. There are a number of ways we can follow that call and one of them is right here and now. At the table, we remember Jesus, both as the perfect example of how a life dedicated to God should look and also as the one who paid the price to free us from the power of sin and death. Here, as we take the bread and cup, we look again at that perfect example and, while being forgiven for how we fall short of it, also recommit to living our lives by the grace of God.
Let us pray.
God who we see clearly and know through Jesus, we thank you for your son, the perfect example that helps us know how to make your ways straight and the one who's grace made the way for us to be with you.
We thank you that at this table you remind us of all Jesus means to us. We thank you for these symbols that helps us touch that memory. We pray that as we take the bread and cup, you would also renew your Spirit within us that we could carry the message of your Son into our world to all those who yearn to hear it.
In the name of Jesus, our King, Amen.