Table Meditation (Gospel) for Advent 4C – 22-Dec-24
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22-Dec-24 (Luke 1:39-45)
One of the parts of Mary's song of praise from our gospel reading for today tells of God's grace to the poor and outcast. In the Church, we're warned not to treat people differently based on their social or economic status. As hard as that is, it's at the core of what we celebrate at the table.
Jesus came for all of us. Jesus died for all of us. Jesus shows God's love for all of us. And how we treat what others would consider "the least of our brothers and sisters" shows how we've taken that message to heart. Around this table are people from all walks of life, all sinners, all dear to the Lord our God.
Let us pray.
God who loves us all, we thank you that your love for us is not dependent on our status or wealth. We thank you for Jesus, who did not consider being one of us as beneath him. We thank you that Jesus showed us the way to love each other as fellow children of God. We thank you for his sacrifice for all of us that made the way to you possible.
As we take the bread and cup, symbols of that sacrifice, we pray that you would put your Spirit to work in our minds and hearts that we would be more able to love all your children, whomever they are and in whatever situation they find themselves.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.