Table Meditation (Gospel) for Baptism of the Lord C – 12-Jan-25
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12-Jan-25 (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
In the end of our scripture for today, God speaks from heaven and says, "This is my son, whom I love. I am well pleased with him."
We will probably never hear God speak from heaven, but we will experience the fact that we are all beloved of God in may ways. One way we experience that is right here at this table.
Here we see that the love of God will not be prevented, even by the major obstacles of sin and death. God through Jesus steps in to dismantle the power of sin and death and to prove God's love for all of us. It is Jesus himself that is the host that calls us to this table, and it is God's own self that has proclaimed an open invitation for all of us here.
We are all loved. We are all welcomed. Come, join in the celebration of God's love.
Let us pray.
God who desires to know us and be known by us, we thank you for Jesus who came to show us who you are. We thank you that he gave himself to open the way for us to be with you and be called your children. We thank you for his open invitation to come to his table here.
We also thank you for this bread and cup, symbols of the life and blood he gave. As we take them into ourselves, fill us also with your Spirit that we might bring him with us as we go, into a world that cries out to know him too.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.