Table Meditation (Gospel) for Thanksgiving C – 20-Nov-22
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20-Nov-22 (John 6:25-35)
In our gospel reading for today, Jesus says, "I am the bread of life." As we come to this table, part of what we're seeking is the way to live. Jesus says, "I am the way to live. Whoever comes to me will be filled." He's not talking about an abundance of food. Jesus is talking about the kind of food that strengthens us to do what God calls us to do. The "bread that comes down from heaven"; the bread that gives us eternal life, is the nourishment of our souls so we'll be ready for the tasks ahead of us. So, as we come to this table, let us prepare to receive, not only bread and cup, but power to be and to do what God requires of us.
Let us pray.
God who feeds our souls and nourishes us with love that we can then give to the world around us, we thank you for these symbols, the bread and the cup, that show us that your love would give even life itself for us to know you. As we take this bread and cup, fill us anew with your Spirit that we might be strengthened to be the people you need and be prepared to bring your love into the world.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.