Table Meditation (Gospel) for Christ the King A – 29-November-20
The Gospel message for today is about a coming time of judgement, when those who have lived lives of service are separated from those who've lived lives of selfishness. The warning is a good one and worth heeding, but God is more than just judgement. There is grace.
We experience that grace in a big way here at the Table. All are welcome. Everyone, regardless of whether you might consider yourself sheep or goat, has a place here. And let's be honest, there's a bit of goat in all of us. Here's the place to lay it down. Here's the place to reconcile with brother and sister. Here's the place to ask forgiveness.
Come then, and let us pray.
God of all, we thank you that your grace is sufficient for all of us. We thank you that we all have a place here at your table. We thank you for these symbols of bread and wine that remind us of all you gave to make that possible. Fill us now with your Spirit, that we can receive our brothers and sisters with the same love with which you receive us. Refresh and restore us that we can carry your Good News from this place to all we meet.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN