Table Meditation (Gospel) for 29-Dec-19
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Today's gospel reading tells the story of Jesus' family fleeing for their safety into Egypt. It's not a hard story to understand. We have plenty of examples in our world today of people displaced by violence and the desire of people in power to stay in power. It's important to note two things: First, God did not meet power with power, but showed the power of God in apparent weakness. Second, that God never was always present with guidance and presence in the midst of all that occurred.
As we come to the table, where we remember Jesus, let us remember that as well.
Let us pray.
God who shows ultimate power in the guise of weakness, we thank you for the gift of your Son, who taught us to live fully and to give our lives to you and others. We thank you for his gift to us of abundant life and freedom from sin that he gave us through the cross.
We thank you for the bread and cup, that remind us of that sacrifice. Now, as we eat the bread and take the cup, renew your Spirit within us that in the midst of our lives, even with all the world throws against us, we will feel your presence with us and be your ambassadors for peace, justice, and love in our world.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.