Table Meditation (Acts) for Easter 3a – 23-Apr-23
23-Apr-23 (Acts 2:14a, 36-41)
When we meet at the table, even with Jesus as our host, we're probably not going to see the fire and mist, darkness, and red moon that Peter mentions in Acts. We do, however, hope to see God's Spirit poured out on each of us to show is God's vision for God's people and the world, to give us dreams worth dream, and plans worth following.
So let us come boldly before God, knowing that in Christ we are forgiven and called to be children of God and heirs of the promise.
Let us pray.
God who is even now bringing your realm into being on earth,
We thank you for Jesus, who gave his life that we might have life abundant and free from sin. We thank you for these symbols that remind us of all he gave. We thank you that he is present with us in the breaking of the bread and taking of the cup.
As we take these reminders into ourselves, fill us again with your Spirit, that we can be your presence and your witnesses in your world.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our risen Host.